Religious not religious

How do you know?

I just know.

You cannot know.

But I do.

If you knew, you would have insight.

I don’t need insight.

How do you figure.

I live. One day at a time. I don’t need to understand what I do not know. I believe. I do my thing.

Your thing?

Yeah, you know…

Whatever makes you happy.

I’m glad you understand.

But I don’t believe what you believe.

How can you then say that you understand?

I just do.

I see.





Fighting for democracy(?)

The epithet ‘leader of the free world’ appears increasingly hollow.

Leading by example?

Free from trust?

That ‘ol constitution of the US needs an overhaul and the spies need to be sent to jail (and I don’t mean the whistleblower, poor blue-eyes)